Sad Snow

Wanna Go Back Up?

Wanna Find Something?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Something I Must Say

All goes to their respective owners

"If someone has something bad to say about you, it's probably because they have nothing good to say about themselves"

Not necessarily punk. The sentence is wrong as it exists. If I got nothing good to say about myself, then I've only got the bad to say. Then, the sentence repeats it self. So, what's up now?

You could at least say, "If someone has something bad to say about you, it's probably because they have nothing else to say about themselves"

Humans,  the bad habits they have are hard to change, humans, they also can't notice their mistakes that easily, sometimes, when they realize their faults, they ignore it, and do the same thing all over again, they really must keep their road straight and right, and  keep to the rules, there are many other failures in this world, and the sky will never break and fall, so don't buy a moment's happiness for an eternal suffering. If you realized where you are wrong and realized you are going the wrong way, stop and turn back, remember, it  is also a way of moving forward.


 Sorry if the translation sucks XD :troll:


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Even If It Hurts

Forgot where this was from

When you break up from a relationship, never minding if you were just friends or were together,
it hurts and it does break your heart.

Some people move on easily but some people can't. They dwell on it even though it's already over because inside, they hope they can go back to the old times. After all it's hard to look into the eyes of people who were once your friends, boyfriends, girlfriends or family.

You feel the hollowness and emptiness in your heart as you lock eyes with them. It can make your day horrible. Because you know that it's never going to be okay, even if everyone says that it will. Seriously, it's never ever going to be okay.

It's like you've taken a bad fall and no one is there to pull you up. I know you may feel like crying and doing things you never thought you would ever want to do. Maybe you would just try to end your life. You shouldn't do that.

I know I may sound immature and childish and naive  but I also have some of my own problems to deal with. I cry too you know. Even so, can't I just spend 5 minutes of my life typing something to make others feel better and maybe allow myself try to let go.

Yeah, it's never going to be okay. You fall and you cry. I won't tell you to stop crying or to stop screaming. I don't mind. You can cry for a day, 2 days, 3 days, a whole week, a month or a whole year. I don't care. My job isn't to make you stop feeling the pain nor is it to stop you from crying. My job is just to make sure you are walking as you cry. Maybe one day your tears will dry up and you'll stop crying and maybe you'll finally move on. Just remember that I'm still here, even if I'm not, my words still exist.

- Mic
this picture goes to their respected owners


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

1st Page and the story's prologue

Check out my new page

and this

Some troll emoticons if you want to see some of the :troll: :facepalm: :pokerface: emoticons i might use in here

By the way, the extension is kinda fun once you memorize most of the emoticons. :ladies:

I'm still new at this writing thing so please point our my mistakes. I'll be happy to correct myself and improve even further

Anyways, I almost failed at my Chinese test. I read 15 only when reading 20 was required. :sigh:

Never mind then. at least i passed right?

F1 Chp 8 Biodiversity, F3 Chp 7 Stability and Chp 8 Simple Machines on Friday :troll:



Oho ohohohohohoho oho

Good Morning....

It's a new day XD and I feel so refreshed

Oh and it was a dreamless sleep last night and i woke up once only. Once!

XD I love life <3


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Time to Welcome Me Back

A place where I can put all my rants and complaints about most of everything in my life XD

I'll probably put in some fanfics or stories of my own when I get bored or something.

Anyways, welcome me back to Blogger.